Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Criminalizing Gun Law Enforcement

[Recently], State Sen. Mae Beavers (R – Mt. Juliet) introduced S.B. 1607 to the legislature. This would be an expansion of the already extensive Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act of 2009. If enacted, the bill would make it a crime to enforce federal gun laws in the Volunteer State. The text of the bill states, “Any federal enactment or federal enforcement action relating to firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition, is void in this state.’ ” I don’t know how legal this is; can you make enforcing a federal law illegal? If you try, will you end up in trouble, yourself? I don’t know, but I’d like to see this law being enforced. I would cheer to see some “untouchable federal agents” perp-walked to jail by state police. But it probably won’t happen. They’ll come to some kind of “understanding” and that law won’t be enforced as written. But whatever happens will be good for gun owners. I hope. (Guns)

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