Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Excesses of Gun Grabbers

The father of one of those children killed by an ILLEGAL gun at that Parkland school thinks people should be jailed, just for having a gun, legal or illegal. This is the kind of excess that you can expect of fools, who think they can solve all the violence problems by getting rid of legal guns. I guess he thinks ALL legal gun owners should be jailed, including the cops and various “government agents” who are armed so they don’t get killed by those with ILLEGAL guns. The fact that ALL anti-gun fools ignore is that crime is not, for the most part, committed by people who buy their guns legally and stand for gun registration. It is committed by those who get their guns ILLEGALLY. And they do NOT stand for inclusion in a list of gun owners. I commiserate with him on losing his daughter. I lost a daughter—and a son—to drugs, but I realize no amount of lawmaking would have saved them, so I don’t go out and do the stupid things this Parkland dad is doing. You can’t bring back your children who have become victims of criminals by making laws against the law-abiding. And making laws that do nothing but make it easier for those ILLEGAL gun holders to victimize them will never help. (Just common sense)

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