Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Typical Misrepresentation

The anti-gun fools are insane! They have claimed a March article cover of the American Riflemen threatens Nancy Peelosi’s life when it clearly does NOT. Anything to make pro-gun people look like hoodlums and thugs. The cover features a photo of Nancy and a title, “Target Practice.” The “target practice” refers to Peelosi’s “target practice” against gun owners, and does NOT threaten her. Never mind “Mad Max(ine)” Waters daily threatens President Trump with violence, while saying outright she wishes he was dead, with not a ripple in the liberal media. One female comedienne published a photo of herself holding a phony “severed head” that was plainly made to look like Trump, and the liberal media ignored it. Only the “conservative media” noted it, and then they had no choice but to acknowledge it, without commenting about it’s rightness or wrongness. So, based on their misinterpretation of the page, at least one respondent (Rep. Eric Swalwell, well-known anti-gun fool) said they should be “put out of business with boycotts and ballot boxes.” Nothing like ignoring your own excesses while wrongly criticizing others! This is how the left, and particularly the anti-gun left works. Find something they can misinterpret and use that to criticize their opposition. (Bearing Arms)

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