Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Violating Constitutional Rights

Politicians are using this Coronoavirus panic to trample on our constitutional rights everywhere. In California they have pretty much closed down the legal gun industry and when the Firearms Policy Coalition asked for a stay on an Obama-era judge’s allowing that to happen under very suspicious circumstances, he refused to grant it. This is a liberal judge, appointed by a very anti-gun president, ruling in contradiction to the Constitution, a document to which ALL LAWS must conform. It would seem to me there ought to be a method by which judges can be punished and immediately reversed for so obviously ruling AGAINST the Constitution. Unfortunately there is not, so rogue judges like this one can make his/her own law by his/her rulings. In places all over the country local politicians have resisted allowing the gun industry to be ruled to be the “essential enterprise” it IS, and in spite of the president ruling just the opposite--and being criticized by the anti-gun fools for doing it. This virus panic is playing right into their hands. (FPC)

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