Friday, April 3, 2020

They'll Tell Any Lie

The anti-gun fools will tell any lie and expect you to believe it. They must think you’re really gullible and stupid, some of the things they expect you to believe. Their most recent lie is that you are “43 times more likely to be killed by the Coronavirus if there is a gun in your house.” I think stupid is on the side of the anti-gun fools if they think even the very stupid would believe that. One study they used to support this found also that there was a felon in the house, which skews their findings seriously. Another factor is a government’s tendency to PROMOTE a study that seems to prove whatever thesis they’re trying to promote. Politics always plays a big part in any discussion, of anything. But to say then presence of guns in the house makes you more likely to die from the Coronavirus is CRIMINAL, and should be punished severely. One thing that weighs heavily on ANY such idea is the complete unreliability of what the government of communist China puts out. They are well known as LIARS to make themselves look better in then eyes of the world. One thing we suspect is they are quietly shooting people with the virus without reporting the deaths as BECAUSE of the virus so as to reduce the numbers of deaths attributed to the virus. But the anti-gun fools don’t care about things like that. If they can twist the facts to suit their narrative, they will. Much like the Chinese communists without shooting the victims. (Borepatch)

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