Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lies and Misconceptions

“The battle for gun control is fraught with misconceptions, false extremes, and emotional statements (mostly based in fear). On one side, you have law-abiding gun owners who are afraid that the government is going to ban/take their guns, leaving them without their preferred method of home- and self-defense. On the other side, you have (arguably well-intentioned) advocates who believe that the best way to save lives is to reduce the amount of guns in the country and who might have access to them.” (Opposing Views) So politicians go about gaily making useless laws that only INVITE people to shoot us because we will likely not have the means to self-defense, a gun, so they can SAY the “did something about gun violence” while people die because of their ill-advised, ignorant laws. A new study debunks most or their lies and misconceptions. Will it make any difference to them? Not likely. They’re “tone deaf” to reason. (Opposing Views)

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