Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Serious Financial Consequences

Colorado is learning that there are serious financial consequences to passing ever-more restrictive anti-gun laws. Aside from losing THREE liberal lawmakers who backed serious anti-gun measures, two major manufacturers of gun appliances have signaled their intention to move OUT of Colorado, a place where they could not sell their products. That takes about $80 million dollars annual revenue (and the taxes on it) out of the Colorado economy. There are other gun-dependent businesses also contemplating a move OUT of Colorado unless the state comes to its senses. Other anti-gun fools all over the country are learning that Americans jealously guard their right to own and use guns for self-defense as law after law sponsored by the gun-haters falls by the wayside. They’re learning that no longer can they DEPEND on gullible legislators to “rubber stamp” their useless anti-gun laws. (Just common sense)

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