Thursday, April 16, 2020

Certain Lack of Intelligence

They don’t have the intelligence for ANYTHING, but I’m specifically talking her about the “solution to gun violence.” They think the answer is to make owning and carrying a gun, the means to self-defense, illegal while criminals couldn’t care less. They always get their guns, especially where gun laws are the tightest. Illegal gun sellers seek these areas out because they know they can sell more guns to more criminals. They ignore facts like crime rates in areas where gun laws are tightest gu up while they go DOWN in areas where gun laws aren't so tight. Liberals are told over and over again the REAL means to an end to gun violence but they’re “tone deaf” to reason. They even think reason and logic do not even exist. The real logical answer is to ALLOW honest people to be armed in self-defense. They will soon take care of the “gun violence” problem by eliminating the illegally-armed criminals who buy their guns illegally in back alleys out of the trunks of cars owned by other criminals and never "register" them. They think if we are allowed to be armed for self-defense, we’ll go out and “shoot up the landscape” at the slightest provocation as ILLEGALLY armed criminals (like gang members) often do. (Just common sense)

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