Tuesday, April 21, 2020

We Do the Wrong Things

What the hell is wrong with politicians? Somebody with an illegal gun shoots a place up and the politicians in charge rush to make the average individual defenseless against the next one. The way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself! But they never learn this. They always target LEGAL gun owners whenever something happens, when legal gun owners are NOT the problem. ILLEGAL gun owners ARE. So what the hell good does taking guns away from honest people do? The answer is nothing. Nada. The end result is getting more innocent people killed through the ignorant actions of those politicians. The other day a shooter in Canada was responsible for the deaths of 18 people, until “good guys with guns” could arrive and kill the shooter. So what does Canada PM Trudeau do? He announces an increased push for more gun control. Nobody knows what kind of gun was used, but the immediate action was to work harder to get an “assault weapon” ban passed—and there will be more. Count on it. Despots and would-be despots are uncomfortable with an armed populace, and they can use this atrocity as an impetus to pass more gun control. (Bearing Arms)

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