Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Policies Based On Ignorance

There are only so many things you can say about policies that are based on an abysmal ignorance about things without repeating yourself, and that’s what I’m faced with. I’ve been doing this for so long, I seem to have “said it all” about the total ignorance and stupidity displayed by those who want to disarm all Americans who wish to buy their guns legally while totally ignoring those who just go out and buy them in a back alley somewhere, from another criminal who will be happy to sell them to them without a background check, or a permit—or just steal them from someone who did buy them legally. People who are going to misuse the guns they buy are not going to stand for a background check or bother to apply for a permit to carry. They just do it illegally. That’s a given. So it’s obvious to those with intelligence, anyway, that you cannot “stop gun crime” by disarming the law-abiding. To do that, you have to find a way to disarm the lawless, and I just can’t figure out a way to do that, except to let legal gun owners shoot them to death when they come trying to steal their possessions at illegal gun point. But the anti-gun fools are too stupid to see that, and they won’t hear of it. And I’m talking about both the citizen anti-gun fools and those who have wormed themselves into places where they can make the laws that get honest people killed. (Just Common sense)

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