Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Gun Permits "Troubling"

DC has issued many gun permits and carry permits. This “troubles” DC politicians. Why the hell is THAT? It’s not as if there are not millions of ILLEGAL guns, already out there, in the pockets and hands of the lawless, who use them to victimize the law-abiding. Like all politicians, they only recognize the things they can SEE. And they can only see those guns that are sold legally. But those are sold to, and thus owned by, people who are NOT the problem, who need them to successfully oppose those with illegal guns who want to victimize them. One of their “concerns” is the cops not being able to tell somebody they observe with a gun is legal or not. Seems to me they need to train their cops better, so that carrying a gun is not an automatic offense. They can find out the difference, simply by asking. The illegal gun holders will react differently from those with legal guns and carry permits. They have the same problem now, but the largest majority of the guns that create problems are NOT in the hand of licensed carriers. They just can’t understand that when there are many illegal guns out there in the hands of the lawless, the absolute BEST answer is more guns also out there in the hands of the law-abiding. But most politicians, mostly Dumocrats, will just not accept that. They have their blinders firmly in place. The DC top cop says the “cops on the street” have not complained about the number of legal guns out there. Only the police politicians. (Truth About Guns)

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