Monday, April 20, 2020

Thinking Positively

Politicians warn: “The Dumocrats only need to turn 4 seats in the Senate to take it over. And they’re investing millions and millions of dollars to do that. So hurry! Send money! We need it to fight them off! But looking at it in a positive way, we only have 4 seats to defend to retain it. Plus we’re going to win so many seats in the House, the Dumocrats won’t know what hit them. They’ll think it was a sh-t storm. Meanwhile, Trump is going to win by a landslide. We’ve been raking in bundles and bundles of money too—and don’t forget, Trump is a millionaire and can take up some slack if he wishes. We get told that we are being “out-raised” by the Dumocrats, and that may be so in the short run. But don’t forget the fact that it was announced some time ago that Trump had a $100 MILLION “war chest. Add later contributions to that, and I think he has enough to get by. I get hundreds of e-mails every day, and 85% or more of them are demands for money “to help us win!” Some are thinly disguised as “surveys,” but the dun is always there, at the end. Others tell us they have someone who will multiply our contribution2, 3, 4 times if we just send money. But why doesn’t that person just donate the money him/herself? It’s pure politics, which is always, “contribute more money.” That’s on both sides. (Just common sense)

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