Friday, April 10, 2020

What We're Afraid Of

The mayor hasn’t actually employed these tactics (yet) but she is telling us she can. The tactics to which I refer are “temporarily” removing constitutional rights because of the Coronavirus. How taking away our guns in violation of the Second Amendment helps in the fight against the Coronavirus is a mystery to me, but that is one of the things the mayor of Springfield, Illinois is threatening. She emphasizes the fact that they have not been implemented (yet), but that she COULD implement them. Something I seriously doubt. Yes, she could implement them for a short time, until the courts intervene. But that’s how would-be dictators work. Make laws, even though they may be illegal, and enforce them until the courts holler “stop!” But the damage has been done. Lives have been ruined, and people have been ruined, financially. But they don’t care, as long as they get their way—at least for a while. Illinois is a known anti-gun state, and the anti-gun fools will use anything they can to “get a leg up” on pro-gun people, for however long a time as they can. (Town Hall)

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