Thursday, March 26, 2020

Yes, Guns ARE "Essential"

In the face of the Coronavirus panic, many state governors are putting out lists of “essential” businesses that do not have to follow their “close orders.” In many states, gun stores and other businesses having to do with guns are NOT on those lists. Meanwhile, more and more Americans, realizing that one of the first things to happen in a panic is criminals with their ILLEGAL guns running around victimizing people, they need “parity” to be able to defend themselves. At the same time, anti-gun fools in government jump right up to deny them that “parity,” while the lawless gaily “run roughshod” over them. These fools think holders of LEGAL weapons are the problem when it is the holders of ILLEGAL weapons that ARE the problem. And nobody can convince them otherwise. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. We need to get rid of this kind of politician. People DIE because of their stupidity. Guns in the hands of responsible, honest people ARE “essential” in a time of crisis such as this one. To deny them only to the law-abiding is to condemn many of them to DEATH. (Just common sense)

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