Friday, March 13, 2020

Anti-Constitution Fools

Each time I hear about yet another Dumocrat pledging to violate the Constitution, I have to laugh. They really think they will be able, in the long run, eliminate our rights under the Second Amendment. I hear people like “Sniffer” Joe Biden pledging to “come for our guns” and announcing that he will appoint Beto as his “gun czar,” I have to laugh again. This fool will never again set foot in then White House, except maybe as a visitor to the elected president, and he won’t be appointing any “gun czars.” Or should I say “ANTI-gun czars.” It is obvious to me that each one who pledges to “take away our guns” while SAYING they “support the Second Amendment,” they want to be a dictator and want to disarm us to make it easier to abuse us. I wonder about their sanity. With Joe, I wonder about his senility. But when they do, they are telling me they want to be king, or dictator, or whatever else they call the name of their intentions. There’s only one real reason for a politician to want to DISARM his constituents. That is so he can abuse them with impunity. Such politicians don’t want to get shot while they are abusing their constituents. So the “cure” is NEVER to vote for an anti-gun politician. Send them packing. (Just common sense)

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