Tuesday, March 24, 2020

"Guns Are Non-Essential"

In many states where “non-essential business” are being ordered closed. Gun stores are often on the list of stores to be closed. This in spite of the fact that during something as frightening as this virus, “bad guys” often come out of the woods more often with their ILLEGAL guns to victimize people and the law-abiding will need to have their own guns more than ever to effectively oppose them, To deny them that right—and that right is guaranteed by the Constitution—could be to sentence them to death. Meanwhile, in the most liberal states in the union, stupid politicians are denying them that right, and maybe sentencing them to death. Politicians always assume that legal guns are the problem and routinely take them away by refusing them to be allowed to be purchased, especially in disaster situations like this virus, hurricanes such as the one that decimated New Orleans a few years ago, and some tornadoes and floods. They really think disallowing the purchase of LEGAL guns will stop the holders of ILLEGAL guns from being able to victimize people. Nothing could be further from the truth, but they have their blinders fully on, and go ahead with suppressing legal gun ownership, allowing the lawless to “run roughshod” over their victims. New Jersey is at the forefront of this ignorance. (NJ. com)

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