Thursday, March 12, 2020

In A "Free Country"

A free country that has a First Amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech, students are now having to SUE for the right to wear pro-Second Amendment T-shirts. That’s what’s happening in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, where students are reduced to having to SUE to be able to exercise a constitutional right to free speech and support of another. The school’s principal told the students that their shirts “violated the school’s dress code” and must be covered up. A clear violation of their constitutional right to freedom of speech under color of “dress codes.” The vice principal thinks banning T-shirts depicting guns helps “reduce violence.” A typical anti-gun FOOL thought. They say T-shirts depicting guns is not covered as “free speech” and the school is entitled to regulate them. WRONG! Just because you don’t approve of a pro-gun T-shirt doesn’t take away the student’s freedom of speech RIGHT. The T-shirts do not support violence. They only support a constitutional right, and there are judicial decisions supporting that. Those school “officials” are going to get a lesson in pro-gun case law when this case gets into court. (Bearing Arms)

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