Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrat Gun Grab Threats

It seems to me that people who are running for office ought to not make threats. But threats are coming all over the place from Dumocrat presidential candidates, mostly “gun grab” threats, from all of them. Other threats include higher taxes, money taken to finance their incessant “giveaway programs,” where they forcibly TAKE money from producers of new wealth and GIVE it to those who produce NOTHING. They also threaten the very lives of unborn babies with their approval, and PROMOTION of baby murderers such as “Planned Parenthood,” an outfit that could be called, "Murder Incorporated” because that’s mostly what they do—MURDER helpless infants, before they even have a chance at life. You’d think they’d be smart enough to know that such threats don’t get them votes among those with any sort of intelligence. But they count on getting the votes of the less intelligent among us, and that’s who they pander tothe less intelligent and those who pay no attention to politics until just before an election, when the lies are flying. (Just common sense)

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