Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Mass Stupidity

That’s the only way I can describe those who think thy can eliminate guns entirely from the world, and that to do so will eliminate violent crime. The real evidence shows absolutely that anti-gun laws have never worked to prevent “gun crime” and, instead, INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding, making them defenseless against those who use ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. But they ignore that and continue to insist on making even more of the useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws, while people die because of them. And it’s not just those I call “anti-gun fools.” It includes politicians who buy their silly notions and make those laws. It is the news media that promotes “gun control” that controls nothing. And nothing ever dents their “stone brains” with logic. They have bought this silliness as if it were real, and they just can’t see anything that denies it. They blame the guns, period. Never mind finding out why so many people want to victimize people, with, or without guns. It just does not get through to their little brains. We keep showing them the evidence and they keep ignoring it, while continuing to make their stupid laws that just get more people killed. Everything I’ve written above, I’ve written before, but it’s as if I’ve never written a word, to them. (Just common sense)

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