Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Gun Control Helps Criminals

Have you ever noticed that none of their highly-touted anti-gun laws ever apply to the criminals who use them to victimize those who DO obey laws, even if they think they’re stupid? And while we’re at it, have you ever noticed that the cops always take away any weapon (including guns) that is used in self defense, even if that weapon is legally owned and carried? This tells me something simple: they don’t care about the guns. They just want to destroy the very concept of self defense. I once was accosted by a cop who told me the metal flashlight in my back pocket could be considered a weapon. To which I replied, “Yes, and if I ever use it that way, we can discuss it.”

But his very admonishment told me a lot more about their thinking than he knew. They look upon things like that flashlight FIRST as a weapon, and last as an essential tool to people in some professions. Of course, they all carry them, both for illumination AND as a weapon to use in subduing an obstreperous suspect. Some of them they carry are almost three feet long. But if we carry one, they look upon it as something criminal—at least, in theory. The point is, they are against anything that gives us an even chance against those carrying illegal weapons while looking the other way about the millions of illegal guns in the hands of the lawless. (Just common sense)

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