Thursday, March 19, 2020

More Unconstitutional Laws

In New York State and Rhode Island, you must first ask PERMISSION of some unnamed, unknown bureaucrat to buy a gun. To accomplish that, you have to “jump through some hoops” and be “given” a CARD that says you can buy a gun—IF you satisfy that bureaucrat that you have successfully jumped through those hoops. That gives that bureaucrat “veto power” over your right to buy a gun, even though the Constitution says your right to “bear arms” CANNOT be “infringed.” Such laws ARE “an infringement,” and are thus unconstitutional. In Rhode Island, before you can buy a gun you must apply for, and be “given” a “Blue Card” that says you have completed a certain “gun training course” which makes it the same thing as that in New York. Unconstitutional. The same people who approve of such laws would be aghast if a “civics class” completion would be required before people are allowed to vote. I haven’t checked, but I’d bet other states have similar requirements. If not, they will be CONSIDERING it when they hear about these laws. (Bearing Arms)

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