Friday, March 20, 2020

Registry Doesn't Save Lives

It only makes it easier to find a shooter IF—and ONLY IF—that gun was bought legally, which is usually not the case when it comes to guns obtained for nefarious purposes. It is only an AFTER the killing that it can do anything, at all. Of course, other anti-gun laws similarly do nothing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but serve to INCREASE it, by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the lawless, who mostly get their guns “under the table.” If this wording sounds familiar to you, it’s because I have written them many times before. They are almost “boilerplate.” I could keep them in a permanent file from which to “cut and paste” into articles I write, while they are roundly ignored by the anti-gun fools as they go about making more and more such useless, unenforceable laws while KNOWING they don’t work. It is my considered opinion that they care not about “gun crime,” and want to eliminate the very concept of self defense. Gun safes only make int impossible for a potential victims of gun crime to get their guns into action fast enough to avoid being killed. “Gun-free zones” only give illegal gun users a place where they can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed there, making them easy targets” for their ILLEGAL guns. Other laws are just as useless. (Ammoland)

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