Friday, March 27, 2020

Are They Stupid, Or What?

The anti-gun fools tell you they are making you safer but are making it harder and harder to buy a gun, OR to get it into action fast enough to defend yourself if a criminal or other law-breaker comes to victimize you. In reality, every one of their laws makes it EASIER for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding. Gun-free zones are searched out by the lawless in which to do their dirty work. Every mass shooting has HAPPENED in a gun-free zone. Safe storage laws are PLANNED to make it take you longer to get your gun going when threatened. Waiting periods may be designed to make YOU think about it before getting a gun, but it just means the person threatening you that made you want to buy a gun—right now—has that waiting period for you in which to kill you. Limitations on allowing ammunition purchases are designed to make the guns you HAVE useless. If you don’t have bullets, guns are useless pieces of metal. Maybe you can throw your gun at them. I fail to understand why so damned many politicians are so stupid about guns. I remember Sen. Diane Feinstein trying to make a point in a group by waving around an automatic weapon with her finger ON the trigger. Yes, the gun is supposed to be unloaded. But is it? The people surrounding her were all cringing as the barrel of that weapon passed over them. I could go on and on, but I won’t. Point made. (Just common sense)

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