Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Gun Grabbers Using Pandemic

They can’t just ban guns, or completely stop people from buying or owning a gun for self defense, because the Constitution prohibits ANY “infringement” upon that right. So they throw as many “roadblocks” in our way as they can. Each one is an “infringement” on that constitutional right, but they figure they can argue that it isn’t so. Like one state that has placed a $50 “fee” people must pay before they can even buy bullets. In other places, they “suspend” the purchase of guns “because of the pandemic.” I guess they figure people will start killing each other over a roll of toilet paper so they want to take their guns away. Of course, that doesn’t affect the holders of ILLEGAL guns—millions of which are out there already in the hands of the lawless, who every day use them to victimize us. All over the country politicians are further restricting legal gun ownership and purchase on a “temporary” basis. Yeah, riiiight. Temporary, until they decide otherwise, regardless of the progression of the disease, figuring something that has been in effect for a while can more easily be made permanent, while still CALLING it temporary. (Just common sense)

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