Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is He Stupid? Or Lying

I’ve got to go with stupid, considering all Joe Biden’s previous stupidities. Now he’s telling us that guns have killed HALF the American population. Which tells me he’s either stupid, or he is making up his own statistics. Then he tells us he’s “coming for gun makers.” On WHAT? For engaging in a legal occupation? I think not. Biden is like all Dumocrats. They say and do whatever they figure will get them votes, and hope we don’t know any better. The big problem is that there is a certain segment of the population that DOESN’T know any better because they don’t pay any attention to politics until just before an election, when the lies are flying. My own son is one of them. He’s too concerned with his own pursuits to pay any attention and he thinks Trump is “part of the problem” while Trump goes about making our lives better in many ways. Dumocrats want us to think Trump is a Fascist, and is pushing Fascism. That’s wrong, but that’s the crap they’re selling. Trump is the best thing to have happened to this country in years, but those who listen to the pap the Dumocrats put out are unaware of it. (The Gun Feed)

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