Friday, March 20, 2020

The People Know

Why is it that, whenever there is a panic like what we’re experiencing now with this Coronavirus scare, people go out and buy guns? It’s not that they want to go out and use those guns to victimize others. Law-abiding people don’t do that. It is the lawless who do. And they don’t bother to buy their guns legally and stand for background checks. The problem with ALL anti-gun laws is that they only apply to the law-abiding, and the law-abiding are NOT the problem. When there is a crisis, people know that the lawless are constantly looking for ways to victimize people, often using their illegally-obtained guns to do so, and want to “have parity” with them. Nothing will stop a gun-wielding criminal quicker than a legal gun-wielding citizen. But politicians try their best to make that impossible. When a private citizen stopped a mass shooting in a Texas church by killing the shooter, anti-gun fools moved in quickly and attempted to eliminate that possibility in the future by banning guns in churches. They SAY it’s to “ensure safety,” but it is not. It is to ensure that the next killer to enter a church with an ILLEGAL gun can kill, at will. I guarantee you that if the anti-gun fools prevail, the honest people will get their own guns illegally, too. And they’re right to do so. (Daily Mail)

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