Wednesday, July 31, 2019

So The Hell What?

Dumocrats claim that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will let criminals get any kind of gun they want. So the hell WHAT? They do that every day, anyway, in spite of all the tight anti-gun laws that are already in existence. The fools who make those gun laws are deluded. They actually think they will make a difference in “keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.” They will NOT. All they will do is make all law-abiding people “easy targets” for the criminals, who just IGNORE those “tight anti-gun laws.” They’re like Don Quixote. They are “tilting at windmills” and getting nothing done—except just the opposite of what they CLAIM they are doing. All their laws are USELESS to “stem gun violence.” And at the risk of repeating myself, I will say again—the ONLY way to really “stem gun violence” is to allow the law-abiding to be armed, so they can kill the law breakers when they try and victimize them. It will reduce “gun crime,” one criminal at a time. But the anti-gun fools won’t even hear of that, which displays their stupidity. So why do we allow them to impose more of their stupidities on us? The fact that their laws do nothing good and DO something bad is well known. So why do they insist on making even more of them for the criminals to ignore? (Washington Examiner)

Obliterate Bill of Rights?

That’s what Dumocrat Eric Swalwell and NY Governor Cuomo seem to think they can do if they ever get elected to the presidency. They, like most other Dumocrats, are Marxists, and they realize that, to kill ALL our rights, they have to kill our basic right to self defense, FIRST. That means they have to kill the Bill of Rights, and before that the Second Amendment. What they don’t realize is, that their ideas are in the distinct MINORITY, and to destroy the Bill of Rights would require the “dumbing down” of a MAJORITY of Americans, which has been attempted before, with disastrous results for the perpetrator. What they just don’t understand is that way too many Americans are smarter than they are, and will put roadblocks in their way, right down the line. They will NOT allow our cherished basic rights to be destroyed by a couple of hack politicians. Neither Swalwel, nor Cuomo, will ever understand that. They’re not smart enough. They seem to think that being elected president gives them dictatorial powers. It does not. Meanwhile, they criticize President Trump for “thinking he is a dictator,” which is a stupid idea. He is running this country according to its LAWS, which disturbs Dumocrats, who think they can flout them. (AmmoLand)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hang 'Em High!

That’s what we ought to do with the stupid politicians who make all these silly, unenforceable, useless anti-gun laws. They do not do what they say they will do, namely stop “gun crime.” Instead, they INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding and making them “easy targets” for the criminals, who just IGNORE their laws and use their illegal guns to victimize the law-abiding. They have to know this, but they insist on continuing to make more and more of their stupid laws that only get honest people killed and injured by the criminals, who can’t be bothered obeying their laws. These people need to be “tarred and feathered” and ‘run out of town on a rail.” They need to be taken out in the desert and left there without water, or any other kind of survival supplies. That’s what they’re doing to the law-abiding—leaving them without the means to defend themselves so they can survive in this lawless world. One of the very worst laws, and it is one that has proliferated, is the “gun-free zone.” The theory is that nobody will bring guns into them, but criminals DO. They PREFER gun-free zones in which to do their nasty deeds because they can be optimistic that the law-abiding people there will not be armed and able to defend themselves. Each and every mass shooting has occurred IN a “gun-free zone,” but they ignore this and keep establishing new ones all the time. (Just common sense)

"When I Am President"

“I will ban all ‘non-smart guns” and high-capacity clips.” One small problem: the Constitution doesn’t permit ANY politician from doing anything like that. The Second Amendment reads, “...the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Each and every law these Dumocrats propose IS an “infringement” on that right. Eric Swalwell says that the government can “nuke” those who refuse to give up their guns. There is yet another hitch in the gitalong of these fools: none of them have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of ever becoming president, thank God. These fools think they can “get around” the Constitution simply by renaming their measures. They cannot. A law that inhibits the “right to bear arms” in any way, is unconstitutional. For instance, they think they can make the guns in existence useless by making ammunition hard to get. But that is, in itself, an “abridgment” on the right to “bear arms.” They say it’s not. It IS. If these laws had any possible chance of limiting “gun crime” without infringing on our right to “bear arms,” I might be right there with them. But they do NOT, None of them do. All thy do is get the law-abiding killed, by those who just IGNORE their laws and get their guns ILLEGALLY. Apparently, they’re too STUPID to understand that, so I won’t be joining them very soon. (Truth About Guns)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gilroy Gun-Free Zone

It’s becoming so clear that gun-free zones do NOTHING to deter mass killers. So much so that the anti-gun fools must take notice and stop creating them. Har, har! You could point a gun in the nose of an anti-gun fool in a gun-free zone and he would still want to create more of them. In Gilroy, California they even went so fr as to ban not only guns, but also slingshots and fireworks at their Garlic Festival. I guess they wanted their customers to be completely helpless in case somebody comes in with an illegal gun to kill a few of them. Well, they got what they wanted. Some fool came in and started shooting people, killing 3, including one child only 6, and wounding 13 more in the “seconds” it took the cops to get there with their guns to kill the shooter. In Virginia Beach, VA, guns are prohibited for city employees in their workplace. So another fool came in and killed a few people before the cops could get there. The same thing happened at the Parkland School, the Pulse Night Club, and in many other places. There is a similarity in all these places, as well as in most other places where some fool came in and killed a few people. They were ALL “gun-free zones.” Which is a testimony to the useless and danger in those zones. But will the anti-gun fools listen? Not a chance. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. (Breitbart)

What Don't They Understand?

What is it about “not working” do the anti-gun fools not understand? They’ve been blaming an inanimate object, a gun, for “gun crime,” for years, completely ignoring the fact that without the hand of a criminal holding it, it can do NOTHING to victimize people. They have to know that not a single one of their anti-gun laws have EVER done anything to stop, or even slow down, “gun crime,” but they continue to have new ones made. Are they stupid, or what? All they do is make it easier for criminals to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY their stupid laws, even though they know they’re stupid. One of the worst of their laws, yet one of the most popular, is the “gun-free zone.” They ignore the fact that the gun-free one is the absolute most popular of places for a mass killer to kill a bunch of people. All schools are gun-free zones, and it seems like, every day, we hear about yet another school shooting, where a bunch of CHILDREN and a few school staff get murdered. When are these fools going to wake up and realize their laws do noting but get the law-abiding KILLED, by people who just IGNORE their laws? (Just common sense)

Friday, July 26, 2019

Whatever They're Backing

It doesn’t matter what kind of a gun was used in the latest mass shooting, or if NO GUN was used, the anti-gun politicians will come out, before the echoes of the gunfire has even receded, and say that whatever they are promoting will solve the problem. They just can’t, or WON’T understand that NONE of their anti-gun laws will stop a single shooter from killing people. Yes, maybe they can see that the shooter is punished, AFTER he has killed those people—sometimes. That’s if the shooter was not killed by the cops with THEIR guns. It seems that the only answer—sometimes--to a mass shooting is guns, in the hands of the cops, that can eventually stop a mass shooter from killing any MORE people than he already has while they were waiting for the cops to arrive. But that does nothing for those already killed and injured. People who were rendered DEFENSELESS by their anti-gun laws. Those stupid politicians will not even entertain the only real solution, allowing more people to be able to have their own guns, so they can respond IMMEDIATELY to the shooter and maybe—just MAYBE—save some lives. I get very tired of repeating myself as I continue to point this out, but I will continue as long as politicians continue to make their stupid anti-gun laws. (Bearing Arms)

Pursuing A Fantasy

Gabby Giffords was shot in the head and survived. Six others at that time and place did not, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl. The shooter was a felon and thus not allowed to have a gun. But he did, and he killed many people in his abortive effort to assassinate Giffords. What anti-gun law would have stopped these killings? None of them. But Giffords has spent much of the rest of her life trying to get more of them passed, mostly unsuccessfully because most lawmakers (who are not Dumocrats) realize there is NO LAW they could pass that would have any effect. Therefore, they resist passing more laws that put people like her, that judge, and that child in deadly danger by disarming them. Her entire life after being shot is a fantasy, thinking she can get laws passed to stop such shootings, and her efforts have been largely futile. There are many like her, mostly Dumocrats, who believe the fantasy that they can make a law that will stop such shootings, and they con lots of money out of other gullible people to finance their abortive efforts. They say they are “concerned with pubic safety,” but they’re not. They are concerned with gaining the power to tell you what you can, and cannot do. (Wikipedia)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

"Privilege, Not A Right"

In New Zealand, the government says owning a gun is a “privilege, not a right.” That may be true in NZ, where they do not have a Second Amendment that says otherwise. The Second Amendment CLEARLY says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It’s as simple as that. Dumocrats try and try to diffuse it, making reference to an “organized militia” that did not exist at the time it was written. They considered ALL THE PEOPLE to be the “militia,” that could be called up in case of need. The government, which at the time wasn’t as “flush with money” as it is now, wanted people to bring their own guns when called up. Ergo: a militia. In real life, owning a gun for self defense should NOT be a “privilege.” It SHOULD be a right, and the Founders knew that. Self defense is a BASIC human right, and owning and using the tools for that should also be a basic human right. One that many dictatorial governments have tried to deny so they could “run roughshod” over their citizens. Fortunately, this government is not like that, although there are many in it who wish it were. Only the Second Amendment protects us from them. That’s the only explanation for politicians to keep trying to “get around” the Second Amendment when we know THEY know their laws don’t work worth a damn to “stem gun violence.” (Daily Caller)

"Smart Guns to End Gun Violence?"

All Dumocrat presidential candidates seem to be anti-gun fools, and former VP Joe Biden is no different. A theme also running through the many, many Dumocrat candidates, is the stupidity reflected in their pronouncements. Joe’s latest is that he feels that “smart guns” could end gun violence. Anti-gun fools have made similar claims often, and none of their “solutions” to “gun violence” have ever stopped a single shooting. What he fails to understand is that gang violence was not caused by the existence of guns, and even the complete disappearance of all guns (an impossibility) would stop gang violence. They’d go at each other with knives, clubs, and even fists if there were no guns. Also unmentioned is the fact that ALL the guns used by gang members (most of whom are too young to own a gun, anyway) are illegally owned, and no anti-gun law will ever stop that. It’s like Joe’s earlier crack about firing a shotgun through a door when somebody he thinks he doesn’t know is trying to get in. That this might result in the killing of a wife or son who forgot their key is not mentioned. (Truth About Guns)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gun Crime Is Not Up

A large group of people still think the gun crime rate has risen in the last 25 years, something the anti-gun fools work hard to make them think. Unfortunately, for them. It is not true. Gun crime, along with all kinds of crime has GONE DOWN in the last 25 years, which is vexing for the anti-gun fools, who just want to disarm the populace, period, no matter what the stats show. They lie, and create false narratives in their own “studies,” and shout their tailored results to the skies. They want to take away your guns so they can more easily victimize you themselves in the future and they don’t want to meet a gun in your hand when they do. They create things like “gun-free zones,” which are an “engraved invitation” to illegally-armed criminals to “come in and kill a few unarmed, law-abiding people.” They know that just about ALL mass shootings, and many other gun crimes, have occurred IN gun-free zones, but they still insist on making even more of them. Are they stupid, or what? The answer is, “what.” They know their laws don’t work to stop gun crime, but they DO work to advance them toward THEIR goal of a disarmed populace. (Washington Post)

Anti-Gun Laws KILL

There can be no argument about that, even though the anti-gun fools attempt it. But a dead body is a dead body. Especially when that dead body belongs to a woman who had the legal right to carry a gun, but was denied that right when she was at work in the Virginia Beach, VA municipal building. She “knew” one of the employees, set to be fired, would “be back” and shoot the place up. But she didn’t bring her gun with her to work because of the rules against bringing guns to work for city employees. But that man did bring his gun. So now she’s dead, because of that anti-gun rule that made her defenseless when that employee did come back and shoot the place up. The anti-gun fools know their laws and regulations KILL. If they don’t, they’re plainly stupid. They don’t seem to care that their laws get people killed. They just want to eliminate all LEGAL guns from the world, while ignoring the existence of the millions of ILLEGAL guns already in existence and in the hands of people who wish to do us ill. It’s as if they WANT people to get killed. I wonder if their minds would change if they were themselves the victim of an illegal gun. (WIBC FM)

Monday, July 22, 2019

They Just Want Control

Politicians have no interest in “gun safety,” except for themselves when they come to take our property under cover of the law. But that is secondary. Their basic wish is to control as much of our lives as they can, and “gun control” is a major part of control of our lives. Anti-gun laws don’t work. That has been proven many times, in many ways. They say the cops can protect us. WRONG! Sure, the cops try hard to do that, but they can’t be everywhere at once. It takes them from a few minutes, to HOURS or in some places, DAYS to respond to a call for help. Admittedly taking hours or days is rare, but it happens. The important thing is that even those taking MINUTES to arrive will usually arrive AFTER the crime has been committed, and the people injured, or killed. Anti-gun fools love “gun-free zones” for some reason or other in spite of the fact that shooters SEEK OUT gun-free zones in which to do their crimes because they hope to find no legal guns there to oppose their atrocities. And almost ALL mass killings have happened IN gun-free zones for that reason. This is logic. All their other anti-gun laws suffer the same, because they only apply to the law-abiding, while criminals just ignore them. This is the fatal flaw in their reasoning if they are really interested in “gun safety and control," which they are not. (Just common sense)

Not Legal Gun Owners!

The anti-gun fools make the basic mistake of assuming that those who would do harm with guns buy them legally, and thus laws to limit legal gun ownership and use will solve the problem of “gun crime.” They will not. People who wish to victimize others with guns don’t usually get their guns legally and thus will not be affected by the laws the anti-gun fools get made. The bad guys either buy them ILLEGALLY, or just steal them. Therefore, no law against their purchase or use will ever stop them, or even slow them down. One glaring example is the “gun-free zone.” Each and every mass shooting has occurred IN a gun-free zone. Numerous robberies and even gun killings have also occurred IN gun-free zones. Gun-free zones are an open invitation to those who want to kill a few people, sometimes children. Schools are ALL gun-free zones, making them top targets for the loonies who want to kill people. As long as they only target legal guns, they will fail to stop “gun crime.” (Just common sense)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Only the Law-Abiding

The futility of the anti-gun laws is stunning. They tell us they are “concerned with gun safety” when all they want to do is get rid of all the guns in existence, an impossible task. There are millions of illegally-owned guns out there, and more coming, every day. Their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who mostly are NOT the problem. Lawbreakers ARE, and the laws only touch them when they get caught. What the hell good are laws that only apply to the law-abiding? It is the lawbreakers they want to stop being able to get guns, and that will never happen. There is too much money to be made in black market gun sales, which are happening every day, right under their noses. All their laws do is make things worse by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for those using ILLEGAL guns. Criminals freely tell us they FAVOR anti-gun laws because they give them more easy targets for their crimes. One of the worst of the anti-gun laws are those ubiquitous “gun-free zones,” which are an “engraved invitation” to criminals because they can usually depend on the law-abiding to be unarmed, there. ALL mass shootings have happened IN gun-free zones. (War On Guns)

"Gun Makers Killing Customers"

That’s what the anti-gun fools are saying, anyway, intimating that selling guns to their customers are getting them killed. Quite the contrary, in fact. People buy guns to defend themselves from those who want to victimize them with their ILLEGAL guns. Gun makers are therefore helping keep their customers alive. Just the opposite of what the anti-gun fools are saying. But that’s not unusual The anti-gun fools commonly lie and twist things to suit themselves in their quest to make the law-abiding defenseless against those who use illegal guns with which to victimize them. Anti-gun fools always assume that “gun crime” is committed by people who buy their guns legally. Therefore, their anti-gun laws are supposed to be the solution to gun crime. It is NOT. Criminals, who break laws for a living, are not likely to buy their guns legally. The only ones who do are those disgruntled individuals who have yet to commit a crime and are thus able to buy it legally. And none of their anti-gun laws can stop those people from getting a gun. But the fact is that MOST “gun crime” is committed by those who cannot buy a gun legally, anyway. And anti-gun laws don’t even slow them down in buying their guns illegally, or just stealing them. Criminals are used to stealing. (Bearing Arms)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gun Control Insanity

An armed deputy sheriff in complete uniform with his badge showing entered an IRS office to ask a question, whereupon he was accosted, at gunpoint, by a gun-wielding security guard who wasn’t smart enough to understand how and why he was armed, only that the IRS offices were a “gun-free zone.” He thought that included armed officers of the law, as well. Well, not including himself, of course. When the cop explained that he could not disarm himself while on duty the security guard pulled his gun on the cop, who decided to just leave to deescalate the situation. The security guard tried to grab the cop to “arrest him” as he was leaving, which did not end well for him, since the cop was a self defense trainer. The guard himself was arrested and charged with aggravated menacing. One hopes the executives at the IRS are intelligent enough to fire him for stupidity and take away HIS right to be armed before he kills some innocent person in his enthusiasm. This is a blatant example of the abysmal stupidity of the anti-gun fools. They just can’t understand that the police aren’t subject to their silly “gun-free zones.” (Independent Sentinel)

Inventing Statistics

Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar just invented yet another “statistic” for the anti-gun fools to take up and spread, although they know it is false. She says that “500 people die EVERY DAY from gun violence.” Where the hell she gets such numbers is beyond imagination, except to see that is is IN her imagination. She’s fulfilling her “obligation” to make as much trouble as she can as an elected representative. That obligation being her obligation to be loyal to ISLAM, not the United States, even though she swore to be faithful to, and protect the Constitution of the United States as a member of Congress. Omar is following the lead of AOC in making up statistics to “prove” a false narrative. AOC does it every day, and she’s very good at inventing false statistics. But AOC is just stupid, and dedicated to nothing but her own advancement, at all costs. Omar is dedicated to advancing the interests of ISLAM at all costs. Anti-gun fools promote such false statistics in their quest to disarm all Americans and make them defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns, already out there. (Flag and Cross)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Only 700 Stupid People

In New Zealand they had a mass shooting that killed a bunch of people. So they decided to make themselves defenseless against future such killings by disarming their people. They announced a forced gun buy-back so that all those stupid enough to “turn in their guns” could do so. And only 700 people (out of the millions in NZ) obeyed. Of course, they only would pay 95% of the gun’s actual worth if in new condition. If the gun is deemed to be “used,” they’ll pay only 70% of its worth. There’s an “amnesty” period, as if gun ownership was a crime. Many are waiting for that to be over before “knuckling under.” Others say the only answer after it expires will be a revolution. I’d bet on a revolution. Such a thing in this country would CERTAINLY cause the “Second American Rebellion.” Anybody with any amount of intelligence knows that disarming yourself is NOT the way to self defense, and thus, anybody who WOULD “turn in their guns” to the government IS stupid. What they need to do is make it much easier for the law-abiding to get guns so they can defend themselves against those mass killers. ONE GUN in the hands of a law-abiding person could have put an end to that mass shooting by killing the shooter before he could kill as many people. But this government, like ours, seems to be too stupid to figure that out. (Breitbart)

Flailing In All directions

And getting nowhere. The anti-gun fools can’t get guns banned. To do so would be a major violation of the Constitution. The Second Amendment clearly says, “The right of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall not be abridged.” How much more plain can you be? They viewed the entire population as an “organized militia” subject to being called up when needed. But, not being as “flush with cash” as is the government now, they wanted them to bring their own guns. It’s that simple. The anti-gun fools have tried to say ONLY members of an “organized militia” ere covered by this amendment, when there WASN’T such a thing then, except for the whole people. They’ve tried every other way to get rid of our RIGHT to “keep and bear arms,” including such things as registration, background checks, gun-free zones, safe storage, and many other things. Now they’re trying to make gun manufacturers subject to being sued for big bucks when someone MISUSES one of their legal products. Which would also open up auto makers to suits when one of their customers misuses one of their cars. It would be a disaster of major proportions. (Daily Caller)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Why So Stupid?

Why are Dumocrats, as a body, so stupid as to ignore the fact that criminals do not obey laws? To a man (or woman) they are all for “gun control,” though they have to know that legally-owned guns are NOT the problem. It is the ILLEGAL guns that are. But they insist on continuing to make their stupid, unenforceable laws for the crooks to ignore as they go about victimizing the law-abiding, who DO obey those laws, stupid or not. It’s such a simple concept, but they just can’t seem to figure it out. Are they stupid. Or what? No, they aren’t stupid. Dumocrats have evil plans for us in the future, and they know an armed populace is harder to victimize so they work hard to get rid of as many guns as they can. Which leaves the field wide open to those holding the millions of ILLEGAL guns, already out there. As usual, their scheme to disarm everybody will not work, because other criminals still have their guns. Anti-gun laws only apply to those who obey laws, and those are the people who are NOT the problem. They just can’t understand that. They are “tilting at windmills.” But they’ll never know that. (Daily Caller)

Monday, July 15, 2019

We Keep Electing Them

Why the hell do we keep electing anti-gun fools to offices where they can make more and more stupid, useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do NOTHING to “stop gun crime” and, instead, make it easier for law breakers to victimize the law-abiding, who OBEY those silly laws? The laws they pass are patently UNCONSTITUTIONAL. They should be punished for passing them. Every lawmaker who votes in favor of such laws should be punished because they are passing laws they have to know are unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the Founders messed up by NOT providing punishment for lawmakers who knowingly make unconstitutional laws, except to have them DECLARED unconstitutional, usually after years of the damage being done by their enforcement. And the damage done is never reversed after the law is declared unconstitutional. People who have been imprisoned are not pardoned, nor is any fine money levied returned. The law is then not enforced any longer—until yet another fool gets a new law passed to do the same thing—until that law is also declared unconstitutional after the damage has been done, and so on and so forth. (Just common sense)

Doesn't Stop Bad Guys

Disarming the good guys does NOT stop the bad guys. One woman in Virginia Beach, VA is reported to have asked for, and refused permission to bring her legally carried gun to work with her for just the kind of thing that happened on the day a disgruntled ex-employee came in and killed her, and a bunch of her coworkers. Would her having a loaded gun in her purse saved her life, and those of some of her co-workers? We don’t know. It all depends on how good she was trained in the use of her gun, and her will to use it to stay alive. But the point is, if she had been able to have a loaded gun with her, she would have at least had a CHANCE to stay alive, and help some others to do the same. And, as a responsible person, she is unlikely to have “opened up” on them, herself. The bad guys are always able to get the guns they use to victimize the lawfully unarmed, and thus defenseless people who DO obey laws. that’s a fact. Not hyperbole So the people who get those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws passed have much blood on their hands. They like to tell you that the cops can protect you, but they’re lying. (AmmoLand)

Friday, July 12, 2019

They Have No Answers

The anti-gun fools haven’t the foggiest notion what to do about “gun crime,” so they go after the “low-hanging fruit,” and blame the gun, making law after law that does nothing except guarantee the holders of ILLEGAL guns more unarmed victims to victimize. You ask them if they have any other answers beyond gun confiscation and they immediately start calling you names, since that is a question they can’t answer. They won’t hear of the obvious answer, to allow the law-abiding to have their own guns so they can defend themselves against the millions of illegal guns already out there in the hands of people who wish to victimize them. They have to know that taking away your guns just makes things worse, but they can’t come up with a logical answer so they just keep making them while “Gun crime” continues, unabated. Julian Castro, one of the many Dumocrat presidential candidates, has made gun confiscation an integral part of his platform, notwithstanding the fact that gun ownership is GUARANTEED by the Constitution that is the basis for ALL our laws. Most of the Dumocrats have similar platforms, and if we elect any of them, it’s our own fault when cops appear on our doorstep demanding we “turn over our guns.” (America’s First Freedom)

Liberal Looniness

Liberals are loons. The proof is in what they sponsor as “reasonable.” I won’t even go into their anti-gun laws. They’re the heights of looniness because they just don’t work. Liberals have to know that, but they insist on making more and more of them, every day. Other evidence of their looniness is their efforts to convince us there are more than two sexes, which is a biological impossibility. Then there is their support for “intellectually challenged” people’s insistence that they can change their sex because they ‘feel like a woman (man) that day. Now comes a Seattle yoga class that is billed as “an exercise in undoing whiteness.” Imagine the outcry if they had introduced a class in “undoing blackness?” That aside, how do you “undo whiteness? Your skin color is dictated by nature. Black, white, yellow, red, that cannot change, except by fictitious measures. A white person for instance, can, spend a lot of time in a tanning booth to “appear” darker than they are naturally. But that does not change the natural color of their skin, and will soon wear off, necessitating repeated tanning booth visits. Liberals promote loony ideas every day, and they’re always coming up with more looniness. And only the loony vote for their friends, the Dumocrats. (Daily Caller)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Gun Control Really Works!

NOT! Chicago, which has in place most, if not all of the anti-gun laws in existence, is a “mecca of safety.” Er… wait a minute. Didn’t 6 people die of gunshot wounds, while a total of 66 were shot during the July 4 weekend? That kinda proves gun control DOESN’T work, doesn’t it? Maybe the anti-gun crowd should change something about the way they go about trying to make life safer for the law-abiding, maybe? Like allowing responsible, law-abiding people to be armed for self defense, thus giving them “parity” with the millions of law BREAKERS who ignore all those “great” anti-gun laws? Stories of many gun deaths and many more woundings in Chicago are rife. They aren’t even novel any more. In any given weekend, gun injuries are in the double, sometimes triple figures, while many of them die from their wounds—in a city where the anti-gun laws are some of the tightest in the land. You’d think the anti-gun fools would get it through their thick skulls that none of their anti-gun laws do a thing to limit, or stop “gun crime” and start doing something else, like allowing the law-abiding be armed so they can shoot back when a thug starts shooting at them. Yes, that MIGHT create a “wild West atmosphere”--for a while, but we would soon run out of thugs with their illegal guns after they’re all killed—and that would definitely solve the problem, wouldn’t it?. (Daily Caller)

Law-Abiding Mass Killer

You heard me right. This is not satire. That mass killer at Virginia Beach obeyed every anti-gun law there was. He was a black man, and a former member of the National Guard. He obeyed the law scrupulously—right up to the moment he began killing people. That Virginia Beach municipal building even had an elevated entrance, to prevent car bomb attacks. Liberals will probably criticize people who criticize him because he’s “a person of color.” Thus again proving that anti-gun laws are USELESS to prevent such attacks. Something that seems to escape the thinking of the anti-gun fools, who just want to continue making their silly, useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws. Forget the fact that every anti-gun law they pass is unconstitutional. The Second Amendment says, “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.” Shall NOT be abridged! Forget that crap about “an organized militia.” An organized militia did not exist at the time that was written, and they saw the entire populace as “an organized militia” they could call up if needed to protect the government. They weren’t as “flush with cash” then as they are now, and they wanted them to bring their own guns with them, if called up. Anti-gun fools use that phrase about an “organized militia” to obfuscate the meaning of the Second Amendment, but it doesn’t work that way. (Gun Watch)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Didn't We Know That?

A recent study shows, surprise, surprise, criminals don’t obey laws. A new study led by Dr. Phillip Cook, of Duke University, accidentally found that, again surprise, surprise, a majority of people in prison on gun charges got their guns illegally, because most of them were prohibited from legally owning guns because they were felons. But they got them, anyway. Why is that not a surprise? Gun control laws do not stop people who are determined to use their guns to victimize others from getting their guns. The black market in guns is actually bigger than the legal gun trade, which included gun sales to police and other government agencies. The anti-gun fools who keep making those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws have to know that. Which leads me to be;ieve they have ulterior motives in pushing those laws. It has become obvious to me that the politicians who pass these laws mean to oppress the law-abiding, and they know they can’t do it effectively if there’s a gun behind every blade of grass,” as the Japanese knew in WWII, which is why they didn’t attack the American mainland. Any would-be dictator knows they have to first disarm the people, and many of the Dumocrats now running for president have revealed dictator wishes. (Daily Caller)

Typical Gun-Grabber Lie

“A good guy with a gun is a fantasy.” That’s what the anti-gun fools tell us. Except that fantasy happens millions of times a year, for real, in the USA alone. The anti-gun fools just can’t understand how telling such an easily refuted lie makes everything they say doubtful. They tell such lies all the time. Like “Anti-gun laws save lives.” They do NOT, and that’s another easily-debunked lie. But they aren’t smart enough to realize how destructive to their purpose telling these lies are. They “tweak” numbers in “surveys” to suit themselves, and put out lies, hoping to convince people of things that do not exist. They use completely fabricated numbers in many ways. The whole problem is, their entire purpose is to violate a cherished constitutional guarantee in the Second Amendment. And their entire program is based on a false notion; that you can stop gun crime by making a law against owning and carrying a gun. That criminals and other miscreants will somehow OBEY such a law when they obey no others. that’s why we call them criminals. Their laws do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” and they deny that, while making even more of them. I get very tired of writing these same words over and over again, and being ignored. But these fools are never going to go away, so we have to show them for the fools they are. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

They Just Don't Work!

The anti-gun fools just can’t get it through their thick skulls that NONE of their highly touted anti-gun laws do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” That, in fact, they make it worse by DISARMING the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for those who just IGNORE their laws and victimize the law-abiding, who are not armed because they DO obey those laws, even if they think they’re stupid. What’s it going to take to wake these people up to reality? They create “gun-free zones,” which the holders of illegal guns just ignore while they bring their guns in and victimize the law-abiding people there, who aren’t armed, because it’s illegal. The bad guys, in fact, LOVE these “gun-free zones” for that reason. Those zones are where they are able to do their most destructive work. Criminals who are asked about it aren’t bashful in admitting they love those zones because it gives them a lot of gullible people who are NOT armed, that they can victimize. Others of their laws are just as bad, and ONLY serve to give the criminals lots of unarmed people they can victimize. I get really tired of repeating these words over and over again, while being ignored by those making those laws. (Just common sense)

Whatever They Call It

Eric Swalwell, that officious Dumocrat congressman who wants to take away all your guns and leave you defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there wants to impose a “voluntary buyback” of guns. A contradiction in terms if I ever heard one. The Constitution prohibits ANY “abridgment” of the right of every American to be armed. And a MANDATORY “buyback” he calls “voluntary” is just such an abridgment, and Dana Loesch says, “No matter what you call it, it is confiscation.” And she’s right. Swalwell, a Dumocrat, of course, is they guy who told us that since the government “had nukes,” they could take our guns if they wanted. Yes, of course. They could use fearsome weapons to take away our “fearsome weapons.” He also says we have no right to own an AR-15 or any gun like it. Thar’s even though the bad guys have them, which means we need to have them to “have parity” with them. Swalwell is one of those fools who want to make every American defenseless against the millions of illegal guns, including AR-15s and other guns like them that are already out there in the hands of those who would do us harm. (Breitbart)

Monday, July 8, 2019

"Gun Control for All!"

Dumocrat Rep. Eric Swalwell is a damned fool. As are all anti-gun dummies. He thinks Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t be in power after 2020 and he can impose gun control on all of us. That McConnell is the only opposition to his hair-brained schemes to deny the American people their constitutionally guaranteed right to “bear arms” for self defense. This guy lives in a fantasy world where the government can use nuclear weapons on people who refuse to give up their guns. He thinks he has a “snowball’s chance in hell” to become president in 2020, too, even though he’s only one of the 20 or so Dumocrats who also think they have a chance, and he’s not even the most popular candidate in that bunch (Update: As this is written, Swalwell has announced he is dropping out of the presidential race. He finally realized what everybody but him knew, that he had no chance.). The fact that none of them have a chance is lost on all of them. Trump beat the best they had in 2016, and this bunch is the “second tier” candidates. The best they had couldn’t beat him, so how does this second rate bunch think they can? Then there’s that old bugaboo, the Constitution, to which ALL our laws MUST conform. He can’t get around that, but he thinks he can. Which just proves his abysmal ignorance, which seems to be required of Dumocrats. (Bearing Arms)

"Cops Can Protect You!"

NOT! The cops can take from minutes to hours to arrive when you call them. In this case, this woman was actually holding a home invasion suspect at gunpoint for 26 MINUTES before the cops got there. If she had failed to be alert for one second, he would have taken her gun away and probably killed her. I remember a recent case where the cops didn’t arrive until the NEXT DAY! Yes, the cops can maybe catch the criminal AFTER he does his dirty work, IF he got his gun legally, which is unlikely. What they CAN do is clean up the scene, collect evidence, dispose of any bodies, and, maybe catch the crook if he screwed up and got his gun legally. Which is something criminals rarely do because they know there is a better chance of being caught it they use a legally-owned gun. Fact is, a crook contemplating a much more serious crime, will not be concerned with obeying a silly little gun law. He breaks laws for a living, so why should he obey this one? (Breitbart)

Friday, July 5, 2019

Insanity Prevails

The family of a victim of the mass shooting in Las Vegas is now suing the MANUFACTURERS of the guns used to kill a bunch of people, instead of the family of the killer, the killer being the one responsible. The gun makers are a LAWFUL industry who make a useful, LEGAL product, that can be MISUSED by fools such as the killer in Las Vegas. To allow them to be sued, costing them a lot of money to defend themselves, is a travesty, and is stupid. If the suit succeeds, just think of the “can of worms” that would open for the manufacturers of all kinds of LEGAL products to be sued for the actions of their CUSTOMERS. Just think of the damage that can do to the automotive manufacturers alone, as their buyers all over MISUSE their products and kill people. This, of course, opens access to DEEP POCKETS that will not be “deep” for very long, as greedy people sue them our of business. We are a litigious society. But we should not be allowed to file suits against people for running their LEGAL businesses, because their customers MISUSE their products. The people to be sued should be the USERS who misuse their products, who make them in good faith that they will be used properly. (Daily Caller)

"He'll Do Worse"

That’s what the victim said of a man who had hit him with a bat some time ago, and who was in prison for it. The corrections department actually recommended he be released on parole, in spite of his violent past, and he did. He took a stolen gun and killed four people at random while hunting for someone named “Alex.” All this in a country that has made gun ownership nearly impossible, legally. Their very tight anti-gun laws obviously did not work in this case, and would not work in any other cases, either. Somebody had that gun and he stole it. And killed with it. Which again shows the futility of passing anti-gun laws because it is not the gun that is at fault, it is the PERSON holding the gun. This man gave enough signals that he was “unhinged,” and would, if he was not stopped, do lot worse than he had done, and he did. In spite of all their tight anti-gun laws. Now he will not kill any more people for a while, since he will be in prison for a long time for those murders. But that doesn’t do those murdered any good. They’re dead. This again proves that anti-gun laws are futile, but will the anti-gun fools listen? Not a chance. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. (9 News Australia)

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Takin' A Day Off

As you should do, too, so you can celebrate the founding of the world’s first really free country, where the government is not the boss, we are. Something the Dumocrats are working hard to destroy. Anyway, enjoy the fourth.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Watch Out, Robber!

A would-be robber tried to rob a woman at an ATM, but didn’t think about that guy waiting nearby, who pumped a few bullets in him. Tip to would-be robbers. Watch out for that guy nearby. He may be your victim’s boyfriend, and he might be armed. Or maybe you shouldn’t rob anybody, at all. Unless you LIKE bullet holes in your body. The robber thought she was alone, and “easy pickings.” WRONG! Her boyfriend was waiting in the car nearby. He saw what was happening and shot the guy several times. The robber fled and was found a mile away by the cops, who responded quickly. He didn’t die, but he is facing a long recovery, followed by a long prison term. Maybe that will change his mind about being an armed robber. Probably not. Armed robbers aren’t the smartest of people. However, this shows again the only way to stop people like this, by allowing the law-abiding to be armed and able to defend themselves against people like this who think they can just TAKE what isn’t theirs. (KWTX 10)