Friday, October 9, 2020

"Wild West Atmosphere"

That’s a favorite claim from anti-gun fools when they talk about places like Oklahoma, where anybody who owns a LEGAL gun can carry it without a license being required. Unfortunately for them, it hasn’t happened. There have been (with ONE exception) only reports of legal gun owners coming to the defense of non-carriers who are in trouble. As in the case of a man who pulled his legally-carried gun on a couple of major shoplifters who were about to kill a couple of Best Buy employees in a parking lot without having to fire a shot. He saw the murder about to happen and aimed his gun at the would-be murderer, who quickly “got gone” without killing those people. Had this happened in a state where carrying a gun is largely discouraged by law, those people would now be dead. Anti-gun laws make it easier for law-breakers to victimize honest people by disarming them. How many people these laws have KILLED, is uncountable. One can only surmise those responsible for these laws have an ulterior motive in getting them passed. What it may be is obvious. Certain corrupt politicians and bureaucrats plan to come for your property in the future, and want to meet as few guns as possible when they do. (Bearing Arms)

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