Wednesday, October 7, 2020

We Are At War

And we don’t even know it. I watched the video of the mob attack on Sen. Rand Paul and thought to myself as they pushed and shoved the police security detail, “Why don’t they return it in kind?” If a “demonstrator” hits a cop, that cop is ENTITLED to hit him back under regular human rights. If that rioter SHOOTS at a cop, that cop is entitled to shoot him back, If that kills him, so be it. They call their “demonstrations” peaceful. And there ARE some actual peaceful demonstrations. But way too many “peaceful demonstrations” are “taken over” by ANTIFA and BLM thugs and become violent. And the violence is escalating. Soon, rioters are not going to be satisfied with just assaulting people. The guns are even now beginning to come out, as represented by the shootings of cops in St. Louis and Chicago—and elsewhere. The killing of cops from ambush is escalating, and is going to get worse. It’s time the cops “returned fire” and showed those rioters pretending to be peaceful demonstrators what war is really like. We need to start calling these fools what they are, and treat them the way they should be treated--ignore their ubiquitous cell phone cameras. When a cop sees one aimed at him from that crowd, he needs to slap it out of the rioter’s hand and punch the holder in the teeth. These insurrectionists, pretending to be demonstrators, pretending to be rioters DEPEND on the cops NOT returning it in kind. They need to be taken down—NOW--before they become strong enough to really accomplish something. Something they’re definitely working toward—and that’s the takeover of this government. (Just common sense)

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