Friday, October 23, 2020

Another Lie Disproved

Anti-gun fools are fond of telling us there is no way the Founders could have envisioned guns that could fire more than one shot at a time. They try to use that to discredit the Second Amendment, Well, they did know. One inventor told them about his new invention that could fire 8 balls, one after the other. So the Founders ordered a bunch of them to “test” against their current enemies. Of course the whole idea that they couldn’t have envisioned multi-round firing weapons is beside the point, since the Second Amendment did not mention ANY sort of a gun. It merely guaranteed us the inalienable RIGHT to “bear arms.” No kind of “arms” were mentioned. This is s prime example of how the anti-gun fools twist things to suit themselves in trying to take away this guaranteed RIGHT. They know they can’t just BAN guns, so now they’re trying all the ways they can to make the guns we have useless. One way is making bullets (which they say aren’t covered by the Second Amendment) hard, or impossible to find, making guns just blocks of metal, useless for anything. Of course, the whole idea of targeting guns is silly and stupid. But when this is pointed out, they ignore it, and go right on pushing their stupid, unenforceable laws. They’re really stupid that way. (Truth About Guns)

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