Tuesday, October 6, 2020

I Just Don't Understand

The anti-gun fools have to know their laws do not work, so why do they keep on making them? Are they stupid, or are they just in it for the money they can con out of the gullible people who buy their BS? The entire idea that they can reduce or eliminate crime by eliminating guns is ludicrous. Crime preceded guns. Before guns there were swords and knives, and clubs. Criminals will always come up with weapons to use on their intended victims. The idea that you CAN eliminate guns is silly. There are millions of illegally-owned guns already out there and they will never be able to even FIND them, much less be able to take them away from criminals. So they content themselves with taking away guns from legal owners so they will be “easy targets” for those with illegal guns. Now, THAT’S really stupid. They think background checks on legal gun sales will reduce crime, but the very act of submitting to it indicates a degree of honesty that belies their concern. Criminals don’t submit to a background check when they buy their guns illegally or just steal them. So their “arrow” misses the target, completely. “Safe gun storage” laws only make it hard for honest people to get their guns into action fast enough to defend themselves against the illegal guns owned by criminals. They have not come up with a single law that will do anything to reduce crime, and only increase it by disarming the intended victims. Their entire law-making industry is counter-productive, so why do they pursue it? There has to be an ulterior motive here, somewhere. Is it that those politicians intend to come after us in the future ad don’t want to get shot when they do? In any case, a politician who wants to become a dictator first will disarm the population. Hitler did it. So did Lenin and Stalin, and Castro. Then they proceeded to murder millions of their people as they took power. We don’t want that here, and the only thing that will stop it is an armed populace. (Just common sense)

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