Friday, October 30, 2020

New "Study" Touts Racism Theory

They had a “Study” in Australia and came up with the same old crap that other “studies” have claimed: that whites fear blacks and want guns to use on them. the TRUTH is, the whole idea of GUN CONTROL was started by the wish to kill blacks in the 1800s. But it isn’t any longer. They can make false claims all they want, but the wish to “keep and bear arms” IS simply the wish to be able to defend ones self against criminals, WHATEVER color they may be. To deny that is to reveal massive ignorance. The fact, however, that blacks commit MORE VIOLENCE than whites, and are far more apt to BE criminals can be used in such specious “studies” to CLAIM that pro-gun people just want to kill blacks.( Just as such people think that, since there are more blacks in prison than whites, that we are somehow putting more blacks in prison for some nefarious purpose. The fact is, more blacks commit crimes and so are over represented in prison).Likewise they think our only reason for wanting to have a gun is to kill blacks. Not so; they just want to DEFEND themselves against ALL criminals. The REAL racists here are the people who try to find racism where it does not exist.(Liberty Alliance)

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