Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Still Not Guns' Fault

Ready, fire, aim!” That has always been how the anti-gun fools operate. “See a crime, blame the gun!” Never mind the gun is useless until it is in the hands of a law-breaker. Until a human being picks it up and uses it for evil purposes, it’s just a “lump of steel,” incapable of hurting anybody. Like fire, a gun can be used for good or evil. But is anybody talking about banning fire? No. The number of guns legally sold recently has increased markedly, while violent crime has gone down noticeably during the same period. That pretty blows the anti-gun fool notion that guns are to blame for violent crime out of the water, doesn’t it? Yet they still maintain, in their abysmal ignorance, that banning guns would “solve the violent crime problem.” It will NOT. And they have to be aware of that. But they ignore it in their zeal to disarm honest people, leaving the field wide open to those who own those millions of ILLEGAL guns. And it is those illegally-owned guns that are used to commit almost ALL violent crime. Instead of figuring out how to handle that, they go after legal guns, hoping that will reduce violent crime. It will NOT. It will only increase it by making honest people defenseless against the millions of illegal guns out there. It’s a futile endeavor, but they persist in it. (NSSF)

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