Thursday, October 1, 2020

Unregistered Guns At Fault

I get so sick and tired of the anti-gun fools coming out of the woodwork every time an ILLEGAL gun is used to victimize somebody, demanding more and more laws against LEGAL guns. What the hell GOOD does that do anybody? You can make all the laws you want against LEGAL guns and it will not do ANYTHING to keep ILLEGAL guns out of the hands of robbers and killers. They have to be aware of this, so why do they continue to insist on more and more laws to “regulate” LEGAL guns? All that does is make it easier for criminals, with their ILLEGAL guns, to victimize the owners of LEGAL guns, because those laws disarm them, making them defenseless. I think these people are against the concept of self defense, but they have no idea how to get to the owners of ILLEGAL guns, so they concentrate on LEGAL guns because they can FIND them. They’d love to go after ILLEGAL guns too, but they don’t know how. Because there IS no “how.” So they do what they can, while getting those handsome salaries they get paid to do it, financed by gullible anti-gun fools who really believe they can legislate ALL guns out of existence and donate money to their “cause.” (Just common sense)

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