Thursday, October 15, 2020

Not What They Wanted

Supreme Court nominee Amy Conley Barrett was asked if she could rule fairly on Second Amendment issues, since she owns a gun. She answered,”Yes.” Then liberal minds exploded. That was not what they wanted. They wanted her to say she could not. They wanted to promote the silly idea that gun ownership negates anything a person could say about the Second Amendment. Never mind that most of the anti-gun fools (for us, not them) themselves own guns. Sen. Feinstein does. So does Gabby Giffords and many other anti-gun fools. Barrett has pledged to rule, based on what the Constitution says, which is simply what she is mandated to do. The Second Amendment GUARANTEES our right to “bear arms,” so her rulings are predetermined. But the anti-gun fools want her to rule otherwise, and she will not. So they whine and moan. They carry their own guns, but they want to deny us the same right, even though the Constitution mandates our right to be armed, and they rail against a Justice who would rule against their wishes. They think their wishes should be paramount, and they whine and moan, and scream when they are not. (Bearing Arms)

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