Tuesday, October 20, 2020

England Gun Violence Doubles

Anti-gun fools constantly cite Great Britain as an example of “good gun laws lowering violence,” but it’s not true. It has NEVER been true, except for a short time after their almost complete BAN on guns in the UK went into effect. Now the instances of gun violence there has DOUBLED. In some areas it has increased FIVE FOLD. Will the anti-gun fools take note? Not likely. They make a practice of NOT noticing ANYTHING that will hurt their “cause. Now they have cops armed with MACHINE-GUNS doing routine policing. Are the “unarmed cops” in Britain GONE? “To the media and Democrats, it simply doesn't mater that gun control isn't working in England or Chicago or anywhere else. And it sure doesn't matter if gun control might be emboldening criminals to commit gun crime because they know the public isn't armed. All that matters is defeating the NRA and handing Obama another win.” This is a point of FACT. Nothing takes the place of winning a battle for Obama. Not even LOGIC. (Breitbart)

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