Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Are They Just Stupid?

Or what? The anti-gun fools CAN’T be unaware that none of their anti-gun laws have ever done a thing to stop, or even reduce “gun crime,” as long as they target the gun, rather than the criminal using it. Moreover, their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who mostly are NOT the problem. It is the law BREAKERS who are. And they can’t get to them with their silly little laws. They just ignore them. And that the laws they do make simply make it easier for those criminals to victimize the law-abiding by disarming them. Background checks are useless because, like all their other laws, they only apply to the legal gun buyers, and not those with illegal guns. The single deadly flaw in their thinking is that ALL their laws can ONLY apply to the law-abiding, who are not, and never will be, the problem. You can try, and try, and try to convince these anti-gun dolts of this, but you’re talking to a brick wall. They’re just not listening. They just want to disarm the populace, for whatever reason. We need to remove these fools from office and elect intelligent replacements. (Just common sense)

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