Thursday, October 29, 2020

Biden Knows It all

Stupid Joe Biden thinks he’s an expert in everything. Especially guns. But he’s not. Three times now he has made silly, stupid suggestions about guns. And when people take his advice, they get in trouble. The first was to take a shotgun and fire a warning shot. A man did it and got himself arrested for a “dangerous discharge of a firearm.” Next, he recommended that if somebody comes to your door and you’re afraid it’s a home attack, just shoot through the door. Now that WILL get people killed, and the shooter some prison time, or worse. Now he’s telling cops not to shoot to kill, but shoot the suspect in the leg. That’ll get some cops killed, because a leg wound does not end the threat from an armed suspect who is trying to kill you. Biden’s incompetence on these matters is legendary. And if he gets elected, he’s going to send people after your guns. As usual, he targets the guns, not the gunner. You can take the gun away from a bad guy and he will find something else to use in victimizing people. I’ve said before that crime did not originate with the invention of the gun. Criminals will use anything they can, including knives, machetes, clubs, etc. You don’t ban cars because they kill people. The car is not at fault, the driver is. Likewise, the gun is not the problem, it is the shooter mishandling it. (Conservative Brief)

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