Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Stupid Liberal Ideas

Every day, the liberals seem to come out with yet another stupid idea. That is never more true than in the case of gun control. Their latest on that is this: “If more people would learn how to play a guitar, there would be fewer shooting deaths.” Now Corey Booker wants to sic the IRS on the NEA. They can’t seem to stop them from ruining their unconstitutional plans any other way, so now they’re going to try and ruin them from within by finding something they can use against them in their taxes. The same ploy they want to use on President Trump. Never any new ideas, those liberals.

In Ohio, there’s a bill in their legislature to charge an individual with a felony if a minor steals their gun. Cory Booker thinks toy guns are more regulated than are real guns. And then Corey Booker (again) compares gun control to the civil rights movement. Of course, they all think the elderly can’t be trusted with a gun. I don’t think a LIBERAL should be trusted with a gun. Now they think we should ban crossbows! There are so many crossbows being used in gang shootings and robberies, and murders these days, you see. It’s a big problem.

Kamala Harris (Dumocrat presidential candidate) thinks she can criminalize gun sales with an executive order if she ever gets to be in the Oval Office (which is not likely). Never mind that the absolute RIGHT for every American to be armed is a basic constitutional right, with one entire amendment devoted specifically to it. Like most liberals, she thinks she can just run right over that with an executive order. Liberals think if you get pregnant, what’s in the mother’s body is NOT a human being, so they can murder it, at will. One liberal Dumocrat actually SAID that.

Back to guns. Liberals think the way to self defense is to disarm yourself. They actually think they can get rid of all the guns in the world, by legislation, and that the holders of illegal guns will all turn their guns in. And they think that CRIMINALS, who disobey laws for a LIVING, will somehow decide to obey their gun laws. This item started out to be just about guns, but it has taken on a life of its own, so I’d better just stop writing now, or I’ll go to my grave still listing more stupid liberal ideas. (Just common sense)

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