Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Corey Booker's Insane

He thinks he can “wave a magic wand” and apply all kinds of “abridgments” to owing or buying a gun, in spite of the constitution’s prohibition AGAINST “abridgment” of the RIGHT to “bear arms.” Like most Dumocrats, he thinks he can just ignore such things in his haste to disarm all Americans (except people who work for the government, in one way or another), making them DEFENSELESS against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of those who want to victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey laws, even if they think they’re stupid—which fully describes every single “anti-gun law” in the books, and all those yet to be made. Each and every one of them are unconstitutional, even though liberal judges and justices may disagree. All these laws do is make the law-abiding DEFENSELESS against holders of ILLEGAL guns, and causes many of them to be injured and killed because of it. Booker is like most liberals, in that he just doesn’t care about the lives of his constituents. He just wants to CONTROL what law-abiding people can, and cannot do. That is the main goal of most liberals. (Legal Insurrection)

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