Monday, May 13, 2019

'Not Doing Anything"

Liberals love to take us “gun nuts” to task about our legislators “doing nothing about gun control,” but in response, we have to ask, “What should we do? Tell us what we can do that will make a difference. And they can’t answer. So they just start calling us names. It’s what they always do when they can’t answer our questions. In Colorado alone, which is RUN by liberal politicians, we have just passed one of these awful “red line laws” that allow guns to b e taken from anybody just on somebody’s OPINION” that the gun owner “might” be dangerous. All schools are already “gun-free zones,” which is supposed to guarantee that no guns will ever be brought into the schools—except, of course, those brought into the schools by somebody who doesn’t give a damn about those gun-free zones and wants to kill a few children.

And, of course, they banned gun magazines that have more than a 15 round capacity so legal gun owners can me killed by holders of ILLEGAL guns while they are reloading. Now I ask liberals: what the hell more could we do beyond what we’ve already done? We’ve already passed all the useless, unenforceable, stupid anti-gun laws that not only don’t stop “gun crime,” but actually make things easier for gun criminals by disarming the law-abiding, making then defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there? What the hell more do they want? Should we pull a rabbit out of a hat and call that gun control? That’d be as useful as what they’re doing. (Just common sense)

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