Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"Emboldening" Gang Members

The Houston, Texas police chief thinks “permitless carry” will “embolden” gang members. How stupid is that? How many gang members bother to get a permit where it is required? Most of them are too young to own a gun, anyway, but all of them do. This chief is making the usual mistake of assuming that gang members CARE about such things as “permitless carry.” They just get their guns illegally, and carry them, all the time. While in areas requiring permits, only those with NO criminal records who DO obey laws will not be armed, and thus defenseless against those people who care not about any laws, much less anti-gun laws. In areas allowing “permitless carry,” law-abiding people have “parity” with those who wish to use their guns to victimize them. They are therefore NOT defenseless, and that does NOT “embolden” gang members. It makes them think again before attempting to victimize the law-abiding, while reducing crime, one illegal shooter at a time. Those who try to victimize a law-abiding person who has a gun. Why we keep such incompetent, ignorant people as this police chief in their jobs, is beyond me. Houston ought to get a police chief with some intelligence. (Breitbart)

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