Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Background Checks Don't Work

Like most of the laws made by the anti-gun fools, background checks do nothing to stop, or even slow down “gun violence.” Why? Because people who intend to use their guns for ill usually don’t stand for background checks because they get their guns ILLEGALLY, which bypasses background checks. Background checks ONLY apply to this who get their guns LEGALLY, and those are NOT the people who create the problem with “gun crime,” for the most part. This is the problem with ALL their anti-gun laws. They only apply to the law-abiding, who, as a rule, are not the problem. I can’t understand why politicians and other anti-gun fools can’t get this through their thick skulls. They have to know their laws don’t work, but they insist on making more and more of them, further eroding our constitutional right to be armed for self defense. The net result is that the law-abiding, who DO obey laws, are defenseless against those criminals who do NOT. This only contributes to “gun crime.” (Bearing Arms)

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