Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Anti-Gun Fool Lies

“The US is the location of MOST of the “gun crime” in the world. Truth is, we are a distant 11th in “gun crime.” “Pro-gun people are in the minority. The majority of Americans want GUN CONTROL.” Truth is, gun owners (the legal kind) number 120 MILLION and we are the MAJORITY of voting Americans. “Anybody with a gun is dangerous.” Not so. 53% of ALL shootings are done by black men under 30, meaning one-half of all shootings are done by 3% of the population, and 83% of ALL shootings are gang-or drug-related. Every time there is a “mass shooting,” they want to further limit our right to own and use some kind of rifle. But only 7% of all shootings are done with a rifle. “Better gun control means less crime.” Truth is, Japan and Korea virtually BAN gun ownership and use by citizens, and both maintain high “gun crime” rates. Somebody must be ignoring their laws, and somebody else must be importing guns illegally. “Guns are almost never used for good.” Truth is, guns are used for good 500,000 times every year, to save a life, or prevent a crime. 75% of all gun deaths are suicide. Preventing gun ownership would not affect those numbers because, if somebody wants to kill him/herself, they will find a way, if a gun is unobtainable. These facts did not come from a “right-wing source.” they came from the FBI Unified Crime Report. Gun control is not about guns. It is about CONTROL of your every move. It is just a ploy in that direction. (AmmoLand)

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