Thursday, May 9, 2019

"No Weapons of War"

Pete, Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is running for president, And he is an anti-gun fool. What is there about taking away a constitutional right that is so popular among mostly Dumocrats? Tell me, what is a “weapon of war?” And how does taking them away from the law-abiding stop, or even slow down “gun crime?” When we know that will only disarm the law-abiding, who are NOT the problem, while law breakers will simply ignore that law, along with all the others that have been passed by gun-hating fools? The Second Amendment mentions NO specific weapons, and only speaks of citizens “being ARMED,” and that this right “shall not be infringed.” Hey, Pete! What you suggest IS “an infringement” on that constitutional RIGHT. And it IS unenforceable on criminals, as are ALL the anti-gun fool laws that have been passed by gun-hating fools. (National Review)

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