Monday, May 6, 2019

Proving the Lie

The anti-gun fools tell us that most Americans support their anti-gun laws. California tells us they support their high-capacity magazine ban, but that’s a lie. How do we know? Because the court in California “suspended” the ban for a week, and Californians bought more than a million high-capacity magazines during that week. That pretty well proves that lie. Customers stood 20 deep in ammo stores, buying magazines, while the clerk fielded dozens of phone calls wanting more. The judge ruled that those who had them when the ban went back into effect, could keep them. Thirty-round magazines for automatic weapons and 17-20 round magazines for handguns disappeared like they were never there. The stores certainly didn’t need to worry about storing them. California’s AG warned again that California was going to be “the wild, wild west,” but that’s not gonna happen—at least, more than it already happens, every day, with smaller magazines. This law, like the others they’ve made, will NOT stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” most of which is committed with ILLEGAL guns, but ignorant politicians like to pat themselves on the back, thinking they’ve done something good. (Daily Mail)

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