Friday, May 3, 2019

"Good Guy With A Gun"

Anti-gun fools tell you a “good guy with a gun” never stops a “bad guy with a gun” from committing his crimes. Here is yet another case where a good guy with a gun put a stop to a would-be kidnapper who went after an 11 YO girl, and was “run off” by a “good guy with a gun.” There’s no telling what unspeakable things he had planned for this child, which was stopped by this “good Samaritan” and his gun. Anti-gun fools constantly insist that there is no reason for the average person to be armed, but this, and many other situations show just how WRONG they are. Anti-gun fools never acknowledge that guns can be used for good. They always assume they are always used for bad things, and that’s wrong. It pains me to have to repeat the same words over and over again with nobody (but the “choir”) listening. I cling to the so far forlorn hope that some of our legislators will wake up to reality and stop “disarming the victims” as a way to “stop gun crime.” It does NOT. It just makes it worse by disarming the potential victims of gun crime, making them defenseless. (AZ Family)

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