Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Desperately Pushing Gun Control

Bloomberg’s minions are running out of lies to tell you to convince you that gun control should be imposed on this country’s citizens. Now they’re saying that wanting to be armed for self defense “makes you an evil person.” Right! This is not parody. They mean it. They really believe it! They’re really getting desperate if they think we’ll buy those bulldroppings. President Trump went to speak before the NRA’s national convention in Indianapolis and liberals are INCENSED that he would so clearly show his approval of their aim to preserve the Second Amendment of the Constitution. They get angry ant time he does ANYTHING, especially when he actually tries to enforce the law as written. The NRA is a law-abiding organization supporting a constitutional right, and they can’t have that. So they whine and grouse, and complain, for all the good it does them. What the NRA does is not the only thing about which they get “incensed.” The hate it whenever there is an advancement in freedom. They think a normal citizen will become a crazed murderer of orphans and babies if they just touch a gun. Never mind they kill babies, every day at Planned Parenthood. Accusing conservatives of the very things THEY do is one of their basic scams. (Gun Free Zone)

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