Wednesday, May 8, 2019

NRA In Deadly Danger

The NRA is chartered in New York. Bad idea. I don’t know why they put their charter in New York, which is run, on many levels, by anti-gun fools. But there it is. They’re right now having some “trouble in the ranks,” causing them to have to spend more than usually necessary, which has put a lot of pressure on them. The State of New York COULD, if they can come up with some good-sounding excuse, sue them out of business. They could sue them, causing them to have to spend millions more in self defense, then shut them down for “lack of fiduciary responsibility. The way the law is written, that could happen. I don’t know why it hasn’t happened before this. Maybe the incompetence of the liberal “leaders” in New York prevented them from knowing the power they actually had over this “all-American organization” that works so hard, and spends so much money to help us retain our constitutional right to be armed for self defense. Why we even need such an organization in order to keep a constitutional right that is constantly “under fire” from all sides, is a tragedy, in itself. We should not have to spend that much money and take that much vilification to keep a constitutional right, but we do. And if New York politicians “wake up” to the power that they have, and always have had, self defense in this country will be dead, and the extermination (which always happens when citizens are not allowed to have guns with which to defend themselves) will begin, and lots of people, targeted by dirty politicians, will die. As they did in Germany, Russia, and in most other paces where citizens are not allowed arms. (No Lawyers)

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