Monday, May 27, 2019

Another Stupid Gun Law

Sen. Feinstein is “reintroducing” her ban on people under 21 being able to buy rifles after the synagogue shooting in San Diego County, California, which proves, again, that she knows nothing about what to do to STOP such shootings. She is “applying a bandaid” when a full “bandage is required. She, like all the other anti-gun fools, ignores the unalterable fact that such laws only apply to LEGAL purchases of the gun involved, which only creates a thriving black market in them. NONE of their misguided anti-gun laws ever has done ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down the purchase of guns for nefarious purposes, in those UNDER 21, or over 21. They are frustrated at that, but “flail about” making more and more of those USELESS laws and regulations, KNOWING they do nothing, while “patting themselves on the back” for “doing something” about “gun crime,” even if it does not work. Meanwhile, their laws and regulations get innocent law-abiding people killed and injured, because they are disarmed, and defenseless. This just HELPS the criminals, who obey NO LAWS. (The Hill)

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